Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Dam Below Baldy

The Frio River is dammed up to make a fun swimming hole and place to fish in Garner State Park.  The water is clear, clean and cool a great place to spend a hot summer day.  This pastel is 11x14" and on an Ampersand pastel panel.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Painting from a small Study

Many times I'll do a small painting either in my studio or outdoors to work out problems in the layout, color or composition.  In this case I did a small sky study on location and then came into the studio and created a larger piece from the study.  This large piece was sold through the Heritage Gallery in Dallas a few months ago but I still have the study and will use it again sometime.

Head Study

It is important to practice drawing which is the basis of all 2-D art.  No matter how colorful or abstract the artist must have the most basic drawing skills.  I attend open studios where we share the expense of a model.  I sketch people in restaurants and bars.  I even sketch the talking heads on television. I not that good at it but the more I practice the better chance I have of improving.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall on the Frio - Garner State Park

I never get tired of painting images from Garner State Park.  We go there every fall, usually November when the park is almost empty.  This view is from our campsite, where the light changes all the color in the various species of indigenous trees.  We should have an artist paint out sometime.  This piece will be in the Heritage Gallery for the sale this November.

Glorious Frio

Glorious Frio -  Garner State Park

There are so many people who ask for paintings from Garner State Park and it is no surprise.  First of all most people who have been to Garner have such great memories that any mention of that sacred place brings on a gulf of great memories,  Also, those who have not actually been there are amazed at the images they see.  Not just from me but other artists and photographers.