Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Recycling is a Beautiful Thing

I have been working in oils lately and have enjoyed pulling out painting started years ago and putting my 2009 slant on them. Today I did that with apiece I painted in 1998. The subject is the Wild Flower Center back road to an area that is now covered with homes. The first time I painted the scene was as a pastel which I have since sold. The title then was "Subdivision Land". Now it is the ghost of subdivision land or aka. recycled painting.'s a sweet little piece.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

West Texas Sunset

This is one of Cheryl's favorite paintings. Until yesterday it hung in her little study along with her other favs. Now it is in the Heritage Art Auction Gallery for the December sale. I promised I'll paint another, promise..;-)

Onion Creek Fall - unfinished

This place is one of the most beautiful hill contry scenes I have painted. It is a place Gordon Fowler took me to where Onion Creek sort of begins. Not too far from Henley, the family that owns this property only visits occassionally form , I think Houston. I know they must wish they came here more often. I have done several small pieces on these grounds this is the first significantly sized painting. I will be finished with it next week. It probably won't look much different to anyone but me. If you like it I'll help you have it!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Frio River - Garner State Park

This scene is a view from our regular campsite looking at the dam from upstream. I have painted this little view many times and enjoy doing it everytime. The park service does a great job keeping this camp grounds in good shape. Several years ago there was a huge flood and this entire area was devastated, you would never know now. Cheryl and I will be there in a couple of weeks. Come join us!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Painting Grey Rock Golf #13

I have played so much golf on this beautiful Grey Rock Golfclub I always love the way the light comes through the trees at the end of the day. This little piece is an example of the beauty we see daily as golfers. When the world finally becomes so over crowded that we have only golf courses as parks we'll remember what it was like to tee it up on God's Green Acres!